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Keep Your Pet Safe on Halloween
Why Black Dogs Are Overlooked at Shelters
It’s National Cat Day: Show Your Cat Some Extra Love

Keep Your Pet Safe on Halloween

Halloween means costumes, treats, and candy. But if you have pets, Halloween can pose some problems and can even be scary for them. There are many things that are not safe for pets, and that includes Halloween candy.

According to the article, “10 Halloween Safety Tips for Pets,” at, “All forms of chocolate—especially baking or dark chocolate—can be dangerous, even lethal, for dogs and cats.” Pets who ingest chocolate can experience vomiting, rapid breathing, diarrhea, seizures and increased heart rate, the article said. Additionally, be very careful of candy with xylitol, the artificial sweetener, which can be poisonous to dogs.

The PetMD article also offered up the following tips:
• Keep your pets indoors and safely tucked away in a room, especially if you expect many trick-or-treaters at the door. It can be scary for pets who could try to dart out the door to escape.
• Keep lit pumpkins away from pets.
• Keep pets away from electric- and battery-powered Halloween decorations.
• Do not leave your pets out in the yard. “Vicious pranksters have been known to tease, injure, steal, and even kill pets on Halloween night,” according to the article.

While dressing up can be fun for the kids, pets may not be happy about it. “If you do choose a costume for your pet, consider your pet’s personality and what type of costume they may tolerate and for how long,” according to the article, “Halloween safety tips for pets,” at The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

It’s always a good idea to watch your pet if you have a costume on him. You want to be sure your pet is comfortable. “Also be sure to remove any chewable parts or objects that could come off and choke your pet,” the HSUS article said.

Why Black Dogs Are Overlooked at Shelters

Black dogs may be beautiful but they get the short end of the stick when it comes to adoption. For some reason they have a difficult time getting adopted from shelters.

There is something called black dog syndrome, “a phenomenon in pet adoption in which black dogs are ignored in favor of light-colored ones,” according to the article, “What Is Black Dog Syndrome?” at The Spruce Pets.

These black dogs are usually at shelters longer than the smaller dogs with lighter-colored fur. Additionally, many of the black dogs get euthanized because of that, according to the article.

Unfortunately, it’s not just black dogs who suffer from the negativity. Black cats have also faced the stigma. “Some believe black cats are in a tougher position due to the added stigma of superstition and their association with witchcraft, which could deter potential owners,” the article said.

According to the article, “Fact or myth? Are black dogs less likely to be adopted?” at, “According to ASPCA, 32% of black dogs were adopted in 2013, a significant number. But on the other side, shelters are full of dogs with black coats because they are among the most-surrendered pets.”

According to the DogsBestLife article, there are many reasons to adopt a black dog:

• Many family dogs are black, including the Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, and Great Danes.
• Black dogs are natural heat absorbers and great to snuggle with on cold nights.
• Easy cleanup includes spotting black hair when it’s on the couch, your sweater, or the carpet.
• Adopting a black dog (or any dog) saves the dog’s life and another because it frees up room at the shelter for another to have a chance.

It’s National Cat Day: Show Your Cat Some Extra Love

If you didn’t have another reason to show your cat some love, now you do on National Cat Day. This special day is on Oct. 29 and gives you more reasons to show the love.

How can you show your cat even more love? You can “go the extra mile with a new toy or a new game,” according to the article, “5 Ways to Shower Your Cat with Love on National Cat Day” at

“Surprising your kitty with a new interactive puzzle toy or treat dispenser toy also offers a fun way to encourage them to play even on days when they’re not the center of attention,” the article said.

If your cat loves to look out the window, try a catio. It’s a great way to keep your cat outside while being safe. The catio is an enclosed patio designed for cats. If you don’t have room for a catio, take your cat outdoors in a pet stroller or cat backpack.

According to the article, you can also do the following:

• Bake your cat some homemade, healthy treats or buy some ready-made ones.
• Take fun photos of your cat and share away with friends and family.
• Treat your cat to a spa day with a good but gentle brushing.

According to the article, “National Cat Day: When is it and how can you celebrate?” at, there are other things you can do to celebrate the special day. “One of the best ways to get involved this National Cat Day is to adopt a feline furkid from a shelter or cat rescue organization in your area,” the article said.

You can also volunteer at a shelter and play with the cats or help clean cages and litter boxes. Shelters and rescues can always use the help.

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